Thursday, February 11, 2016

Playing computer games should protect eyes

Playing video games could help to correct lazy eye syndrome in teenagers.

Amblyopia or lazy eye is a visual disorder that develops in early childhood. Affected children are not able to focus properly with one of their eyes and the other eye will make up for this, making the affected eye lazy

It had been thought that the condition could not be corrected if it wasnt detected and treated before a child reached 11.

However, a new study found the condition could be improved in children aged 10 to 18-years-old by playing computer games.

Dr Somen Ghosh, lead researcher at the Calcutta National Medical College, found that 30 per cent of sufferers reported significant vision gains after playing at least an hour of video games per day, when combined with normal clinical treatment. 

A further 60 per cent showed at least some improvement.  
Dr Somen Ghosh said: We should never give up on our patients, even the older children, but instead offer them hope and treatment designed to help them achieve better vision.

One group remained the control, two groups took a variety of nutrients while one group was required to play video games for at least one hour per day.  

Saurav Sen, 16, received a second chance to achieve good vision when Dr. Ghosh invited him to participate in the study. 
He said: Playing the shooting games while using just my weaker eye was hard at first, but after a few months I could win all game levels easily. 

Im very happy that I stuck with the program. My vision has improved a lot, so that I now have no trouble studying or taking exams

Dr Ghosh was inspired to conduct further research after scientists at the Peadiatric Eye Disease Investigation Group (PEDIG) reported vision gains in 27 per cent of older children involved in a study.

He presented his findings at the American Academy of Opthalmologys annual meeting. 
Many children are not diagnosed with lazy eye until their first eye test. In the UK children should have a routine eye examination before they reach five.

However, one in five school children have an undetected eye problem because eye tests are no longer routine in schools according to the Royal National Institute for the Blind.

Dr Ghosh began by treating four groups of 10 to 18-year-olds using the same patching method which forces the weaker eye work to harder. He then split the subjects into four groups which each received different supplementary treatments

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